Navbar Breakpoint Targeting

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Display Mobile Menu on iPad Pro (1024px) Portrait

Change the behavior of the menu with custom CSS an iPad in portrait mode displays the mobile menu. Webflow defaults to 991px for collapsing the desktop menu to mobile, which does not target many tablets. Adding the custom CSS, provided in the code below, to the head, changes this to 1024px. Resize the screen to see the change (red block is the breakpoint width).

Change the behavior of the menu with custom CSS an iPad in portrait mode displays the mobile menu. Webflow defaults to 991px for collapsing the desktop menu to mobile, which does not target many tablets. Adding the custom CSS code below, to the head, changes this to 1024px.

Here is a handy guide with different device breakpoints. Using custom breakpoints you could easily target specific devices.

<-- 1024px -->